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Top 5 Medical Advancements.

Who says technology only sabotages people? Technology can be used in many fields including the medical field. The top 5 advancements in the medical field are enlisted below- 1.CRISPR : Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats(CRISPR) is the most advanced gene-editing technology. It works by harnessing the natural mechanisms of the immune systems of bacterium cells of invading viruses, which is able to 'cut-out' infected DNA strands. This cutting of DNA is what has the power to potentially transform the way we treat disease. By modifying genes, some of the biggest threats to human health like cancer and HIV, could potentially be overcome in a matter of years. Image Credits: 2. Virtual Reality : This technology is not new and has been in play siince the past 5 years. Though it is not so fresh tech ,the use of VR in the field of medical sciences is. This actually helps the medical students to gain the experience they need and get to k

Picasso ? You're next !!

 Love your art ? Let people love it too... There were days when people used art as a hobby,when they got bored or when they were fascinated and wanted to express themselves.Envisage a website or an app where you can show case your art and sell it. This app or website would really help all the talented artists out there in the world.  So what should the website do It should allow the user to showcase his/her art allow him to sell it . Establish themselves as known artists. Expand his reach and give him social platform to meet other artists. There should be certified art enthusiasts who rate and categorize the art. They should also have the authority to set the base price of the art. This art must be put on auction at a given time where all the bidders for the art must be online.  

Save Water Effortlessly.

Water : The Liquid of Life. Image Credits- With the skyrocketing water crisis in most of the world , we need to spring up with an innovative solution to save water or even recycle it for other uses.Some of the considerable ideas are - Image Credits- 1. Having a single faucet for an entire washroom  which  would fit into different places for different  uses.  This faucet  could  be used as a shower and  a tap.  2. Divert the water used at wash bowl to  the  flush and use it again. This would   actually reduce the usage of fresh water   at unwanted  places. Image Credits- 3. Use the outgoing water from purifiers for gardening or cleaning utensils. This would prove effective as it helps in reuse of water and reduces water wastage. 4. Foot Pedal Faucet Controller-  The Foot Pedal Faucet controller allows you to control a faucet hands-free. The devices are efficient and promise to red

6 products every one wish they knew before.

These 6 products will make your life easy and you will regret not knowing them before. 1.Bottle Bright Have you ever tried to clean your bottle before; then this product is definitely for you. Cleaning with a traditional bottle cleaner is a very tough job as you wont be able to clean the bottle thoroughly around its edges. The solution to this is Bottle Bright, this simple product is a tablet made from all natural chemicals which has to be dropped into a bottle filled with water and then has to be left for 15-30 minutes to see the magic. | See how it works | visit  Bottle Bright | You can find this product on Amazon here . 2.Space Plug We have all been in a situation where we were not able to charge our phone just because someone in the house is charging their stuff and there is no other port or plug to charge our phone. Space plug is gadget which gives you ability to charge 6 different electronic gadgets and two other devices using the USB ports on the space plug at

Let's get these products!!

Top 3 innovative products- 1.  The iRobot Looj 330 Gutter Cleaning Robot blasts away    leaves, dirt and clogs while brushing gutters clean. Featuring a high-velocity, four-stage auger and clean mode,Looj travels down your gutter on its own, sensing and adapting to debris in order to provide the most effective cleaning. IRobot 2.    Luci Original is a no frills, gets-the-job-done kind of light. Bright, compact, and portable for any situation—from camping to travel to working around the house. Completely solar, Luci Original is a clean, reliable source of light just about anywhere you need it. Luci 3. Skyroam Virtual SIM is a  portable data hotspot, has partnered with a chip manufacturer to build hardware that supports its virtual SIM. With SIMO, you will benefit from Skyroam’s collective buying power and get data packages at highly competitive prices wherever you go. All you need is a phone with the right hardware and Skyroam’s app to purchase data plans o

Now don't wait for FOOD.Let the FOOD wait for you!!!

Enjoy a hassle-free dining experience. In today's world, people have stopped compromising and never settle until they get the best. This applies for most of the world and when it comes to food, it is very legitimate. The only problem we face when we visit fancy restaurants serving the best food is either the tables have a long waiting time or we have to wait a long time until the food is served.  Image Source : Envisage an app which wipes out the above cases and lets you enjoy the food which you love. The app should have the given features- 1. It should show the waiting time and should allow the user to reserve a table of their choice. Image Source :   2. The app should allow the user to order food through the app and the restaurant should notify the  user 15 minutes before the food is ready to be served. 3. If t

The world is your playground.

Play your sport anytime you want with this app. Image Credits:Pinterest Have you ever been in a situation where you wanted to play a sport but there are no proper places to play or there are no other players with you to play the game ? People in cities are unable to find a place just to enjoy their favourite sport and with the population increasing exponentially every year, it makes it even harder for people to play. But what if there is an app which allows you to do this- Search for a play area or a court which is suitable for your particular sport. Invite players from the app to play or allow you to join in other's game. Notify you when the number of players required are filled in. Tell you whether the place you want to play is free or occupied. and the app which does this all is  Hoopmaps .  Image Credits:APKmonk Image Credits : Pinterest Though this app can only be used for basketball imagine an app which can work with all the other sports.

Eagerly waiting for this app!!

    Now set reminders with locations.  Ever felt the problem of forgetting the place where you had to buy stuff from while you're driving. The problem most of us face here is- We can't turn around and go to the same place.Instead we look for an alternative store on our way home. Image Source : Image Source: What if you don't forget that store and have no problem buying groceries from the same place? Well, that ended in a  ' ? '  only because we're humans and we do forget things when we're busy or thinking of something more serious. Most people set reminders on their phone which asks for the time it should remind you. Well this cannot be useful in the above case. So we need an app which uses our location and reminds you when you're near that area. The person should be able to set reminders based on location. Image Source :

If I had a virtual ME!!!

With the latest tech, create the virtual you. Image Credits: TheHenry Fords innovation nation Imagine if you were able to try clothes on and see how you fit into them before buying it. Yes, there are apps and also websites which enables the user to do just that, though they are still under development. The ultimate goal stays the same which is to solve the problem of shopping clothes online. So the basic idea for the perfect app or website should be  It should take the measurements of user. The app then should take pictures of the user from different angles and should be able to create a perfect 3D model of the user. This technology can be used for online shopping but also paves the way for many other possible uses  like  Use your 3D model as an avatar for customizing your own player in games.   Image Credits: mikklo2-Youtube Use your 3D model for various videos and other online activities. You can animate your 3D model which can be used in videos.